Thursday, July 19, 2012

Laundry Room/Half Bath

Our half bath/Laundry Room - Still a work in progress, however I am SUPER happy with the results so far. Please feel free to add your input on what more I should add. I HATE those white shelves but they are great storage so they have to stay : ( Annnnd I suck at taking pictures. It looks so much better in person!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Can I really be a crazy cat lady at such a young age?

I've never blogged before, well unless you consider "xanga" blogging. Most probably won't know what that website is/was (this was used like 7yrs ago). I'm not even sure it still exists. I do not have great writing skills as I've seen others have on here, so bare with me. And I mean writing skills on how to write the "proper" way and all professional looking. I don't mean that I don't know how to spell or anything of that nature ; )

Any-who, I was sitting here thinking of what my blog should be called? Staring at my cats, whom I adore, I thought to myself, well might as well title it "crazy cat lady." I have a Facebook photo album titled the same. Pathetic, I know!

I like to think I'm not a crazy cat lady, since I am only 26. However I cannot help but love my furry creatures beyond belief. They love un-conditionally (well besides Gizzy, he has a funny/mean way of showing love at times), are so soft to the touch and are just obsessively, compulsively adorable (does that even make sense? ha). They make me beyond happy and I cannot fathom life without them. My life long dream is to have a 'cat ranch' - that will only happen if I hit the lottery, that I never play mind you. I would build a huge house/jungle gym on a farm that would be the ultimate dream of any cat. And yes they would all be adoptable, except mine of course. I just love the thought of "adoption" when it comes to pets. It helps both the humans and the pets.

...and to the point here, anyone else as crazy and obsessed with their cats (or furry friends in general) as I am? I mean if I could have a million of these felines, I so would. As long as someone else would scoop the gazillions of cat boxes - That is just not my forte. I mean I could squeeze their little faces, pinch their furry butts and kiss their squishy faces all day, everyday. Do I have a problem? : ) I don't think so, I just call it love!

Happy Holidays from Gizzy. 
(no kitties were harmed in the making of this photo, however mom was not left un-harmed ; p )
